This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !
Club Board Game Arena
Board Game Arena的主要目标是向社会大众推广桌上游戏。这也是为什么这个服务对任何人都是免费的,而且我们也会一直保持如此。
然而,可以想像的是,要经营这个网站,并使系统流畅的使用,这都需要很多的时间和一些经费。而有些玩家透过一些捐款来帮助我们。这个网站能够生存权全有赖于这些玩家的协助,为了感谢这些玩家,我们设计则为他们设计了Board Game Arena Club的会员制度。
- 使这里更有知名度 (详见 referral)
- 在翻译上贡献心力(详见Contribute to translate)
- 捐款支持 (payment buttons below)
Donate 20€
(1 year club membership) |
Donate 11€
(6 months club membership) |
Donate 4€
(2 months club membership) |
{one_year_membership} | {six_month_membership} | {two_month_membership} |
Why should I join the club ?
The main reason you should join the club is to support this website. Also, as a token of appreciation for their support, we give to club members an access to some statistics: ELO ranking () of all members including yours (instead of ), games statistics and specific player statistics for each game.
Why can't you just have a standard donation system where I can choose any money amount ?
With this "club" system, we try to highlight players who supported this website recently or do so on a regular basis. Depending on the amount of your donation, you are a member of the club for a given period of time.
Many websites are using a more classical approach with a simple "donation box". By experience, we know that these websites rely on just a few generous users. Board Game Arena chooses to set 3 fixed amounts for donations in order to rely on a bigger number of small donors.
Is it mandatory to join the club ?
Of course not.
You can play for free without any limitation even if you are not a member of the club: Board Game Arena is a free service. Statistics are just an extra : you don't need statistics to play and have fun, don't you ? As a matter of fact, most players are not club members.
What is a beginner account ?
When you join Board Game Arena, your get a "beginner account" () for 30 days. This beginner account allow you to view your own ELO ranking () for each game. After 30 days, your account becomes a standard non member account ().
What becomes of the money ?
Board Game Arena service is managed by a semi-professional team who needs money to make it run (in particular: hosting cost).
Player donations are used to develop this website (new features, new games), to make it run (hosting, maintenance), to build the player community (events)...
A big "thank you" to all members of the Board Game Arena Club whose contributions allow this website to exist for the enjoyment of everyone !