This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


出自Board Game Arena
於 2020年8月18日 (二) 15:49 由 Whotimwait留言 | 貢獻 所做的修訂 (创建页面,内容为“(待翻譯整理) Bobail is an old African abstract strategy game. Rules Bobail is a two-player african strategy board game played on a square board arranged…”)
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Bobail is an old African abstract strategy game.

Rules Bobail is a two-player african strategy board game played on a square board arranged in an 5x5 grid.

Each player has 5 tokens. One plays the red tokens, and the other player plays the green tokens. There's also an extra yellow token called the Bobail placed in the center of the board.

The winner is the player who captures the Bobail. To do so, the Bobail needs to be moved on the player's baseline.

On each turn, a player must do the following two actions in this specific order :

1. Move the Bobail

It moves one square in any direction. If the Bobail cannot be moved, the game is lost by the player.

2. Move one of the player's token

A token move in any direction to the furthest square, but cannot leap over other tokens.