This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


来自Board Game Arena
Edison4412讨论 | 贡献2021年10月12日 (二) 15:20的版本
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如何游玩 你的回合:

在你的城市增加板块(强制) 增加建筑 (自动) 建造走廊 (可选) 抽新板块 (强制)

增加板块 新板块必须和其他板块相连 板块可以旋转 如果游玩矩形城市变体,你的城市必须是正方形 (3x3) 或长方形 (3x4)

增加建筑 建筑物会自动增加到新的板块上

建造走廊 走廊会增加你的分数。 关于走廊放置有三条重要规则:

每栋建筑只能有两条走廊 走廊底下不能悬空(还没有板块的地方) 人行道数量​​有限

抽新板块 您可以从 3 个正面朝上的板块中挑选一个新的板块,也可以从板块堆中随机抽取一个。

升级模式变体 游戏可以使用一张或两张特殊计分卡(在游戏开始时随机抽取):

Most Valuable Route - Find the most valuable route in your city on one of two levels (River or Forest). A route corresponds to a connection of several buildings to each other, using walkways. Add the value of all the walkways that make up your most valuable route. Compare that route to those of other players. Player with most valuable route scores 6 points. In the event of a tie, players involved earn 3 points each. Most Separate Routes - Count the number of separate routes built in your city. The player who built the most earns 6 points. In the event of a tie, players involved earn 3 points each. Varied Routes - Earn 6 points if you built a route that includes at least 4 walkways of different lengths (1,2,3,5,8) OR earn 8 points if you have managed to create a route that includes the 5 walkways lengths. Each player can only earn this once. Circuits - Earn 3 points for each circuit you have. A circuit is a closed route. Blue buildings on the hill - Earn 6 points if you are the player with the most blue buildings. In the event of a tie, players involved earn 3 points each. Green buildings on the hill - Earn 6 points if you are the player with the most green buildings. In the event of a tie, players involved earn 3 points each. Minimalist Buildings - Earn 2 points per building with only one walkway built from it. Crossed Walkways - Lose 2 points for each of your walkways that crosses another. Passing over buildings doesn't count as a crossing (even if walkways are connected to those buildings). Each walkway will count only once, even if it's crossing multiple walkways. Solo Buildings - Lose 2 points for each building with no walkways. Balanced Walkways - Lose 4 points if you do not have at least: 5 walkways worth 3 points, 1 walkway worth 1 point, 1 walkway worth 8 points.