This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


来自Board Game Arena
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== All grades ==
== 全等級 ==

* '''Mortal''': this is your grade when you registered on Board Game Arena. You can access almost all functionalities of the website (but you can't speak on general channel).
* ''' 凡人''': 剛申請帳號時你所處的等級, 你能夠使用大部分的功能( 除了使用公眾頻道)

* '''Angel''': this is the grade of regular players. To be promoted to this grade, you need: 3 days seniority, 3 games played and 3 positive reputation points.
* ''' 天使''': 這是一個標準的玩家等級, 要取得這個等級, 你需要: 登錄滿3日, 完成3場比賽以及3個正面的評價

* '''Seraph''': this is the moderator grade. Seraph can punish players who disrespect BGA terms of use: reputation penalties, inferior grade.
* ''' 熾天使''': 這是一個版主的等級, 熾天使能夠懲罰不遵守BGA條款的玩家(如沒有禮貌, 卑劣行為)

* '''Cherub''': this is the super moderator grade. Cherub check that Seraph are fair and unbiased.
* ''' 智天使''': 這是一個超級版主的等級, 智天使能夠檢查熾天使的裁決是否公正

* '''Archangel''': this is the Board Game Arena administrators' grade.
* ''' 大天使''': 這是BGA管理者的等級

* '''Demon''': due to a major terms of use violation, this player is not allowed to do anything on the website during a period of time (or forever ...)
* ''' 惡魔''': 由於違犯了BGA條款而降為惡魔的玩家, 他們不允許去使用這個網站的功能一段時間( 或者永許....)

* '''Devil king''': due to a terms of use violation, this player is not allowed to speak on Board Game Arena (or publish anything) during a period of time.
* ''' 路西法''': 由於違犯了BGA重要條款而降生為路西法的玩家! 他們不允許在網站中發言( 或發表討論) 一段時間

2014年7月10日 (四) 19:40的版本

Board Game Arena is a friendly and respectful community of players. The moderation and grades system help us to ensure that the minority of players who disrespect the spirit of this website can't bother other players.

When you register on Board Game Arena, you're a mortal. You can access most of the functionalities of this website, except some of them (ex: speaking on global chat).

After a while, you are promoted to the angel grade. With this grade you are able to access all functionalities of the service. But, if you go against the Board Game Arena terms, you can be moderated and demoted to devilkin or demon.

If you manage to become a well appreciated player, you can become a moderator with a superior grade: seraph or cherub.


  • 凡人: 刚申请帐号时你所处的等级, 你能够使用大部分的功能(除了使用公众频道)
  • 天使: 这是一个标准的玩家等级, 要取得这个等级, 你需要:登录满3日, 完成3场比赛以及3个正面的评价
  • 炽天使: 这是一个版主的等级, 炽天使能够惩罚不遵守BGA条款的玩家(如没有礼貌, 卑劣行为)
  • 智天使: 这是一个超级版主的等级, 智天使能够检查炽天使的裁决是否公正
  • 大天使: 这是BGA管理者的等级
  • 恶魔: 由于违犯了BGA条款而降为恶魔的玩家, 他们不允许去使用这个网站的功能一段时间(或者永许....)
  • 路西法: 由于违犯了BGA重要条款而降生为路西法的玩家! 他们不允许在网站中发言(或发表讨论)一段时间