This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


来自Board Game Arena
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當這 5 個等級的星球其中任意 2 ~ 5 個等級的星球卡池空掉時,該回合使這件事情發生的那個玩家結束回合時遊戲結束。

The game finishes when 2 of the 5 spheres are empty, or more exactly at the end of turn of the player who draws the card that makes it happen. The players score points such that a card of gives an amount of points equal to the level it belongs. In case of equality the player with the highest amount of Ke wins.
每一張牌的分數等於該卡片的星球等級,牌組內所有牌的分數總和即為該玩家的總分。(起始牌組的牌分數為 0 分。)

2018年7月1日 (日) 19:49的版本




  • 启动它:计时器被启动时会将计时器和用来延缓计时器的卡一并弃到弃牌堆。属于这个计时器的咒语会停留在延时区,你在回合结束前必须把属于这个计时器的这些咒语打完。(打出属于这个计时器的这些咒语不需要使用Ke。)
  • 延缓它: 你必须从手上反面打一张牌到一个记时器上来延缓它。每一张在记时器上用来延缓的卡都会使你的手牌上限-1。




You may take cards from the Spheres of Consciousness depending on the number of spells played during the turn. These new cards go directly in your hand. You can't choose to draw from the same sphere during the same turn.

One spell and you can draw from the first level, two and you can draw from the second and so on. Starting with the third spell you can combine and choose, a first and second level spell.

It is possible to take the second card from a level, which is not revealed. For this you must pay an extra cost. For example, to take the second card from the second level, you must play three spells.




游戏结束条件: 当这 5 个等级的星球其中任意 2 ~ 5 个等级的星球卡池空掉时,该回合使这件事情发生的那个玩家结束回合时游戏结束。

计分方式: 每一张牌的分数等于该卡片的星球等级,牌组内所有牌的分数总和即为该玩家的总分。(起始牌组的牌分数为 0 分。) 若有玩家分数相同,游戏结束时剩馀Ke较高者获胜。