This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


来自Board Game Arena
Whotimwait讨论 | 贡献2014年11月20日 (四) 19:45的版本 (重定向页面至蟲蟲蜂房遊戲幫助

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Each turn, you may either place an insect or move an insect. All insects in play must be contiguous at all times.

The first player's Queen Bee to be surrounded on all sides loses. You must place your Queen be by your fourth turn.

Movement rules:

  • Queen Bee: Can only move one space
  • Beetle: Only one space, but it can move on top of another insect
  • Spider: 3 spaces in a straight line
  • Grasshopper: Moves to the next open space in a straight line
  • Soldier Ant: It can move unlimited times along borders

This is just a brief summary of movement rules. This has a comprehensive overview of movement rules: