This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !
游戏目标是收集 7 张不同种类的鸟,或收集 2 种鸟至少各 3 张。 The objective of the game is to get in your collection 7 different species or 2 species of at last 3 birds.
一场游戏进行数轮。在每一轮开始时,每位玩家手上会有 8 张牌;桌面上则有 4 列牌,每列有三张正面朝上的牌。游戏由发牌者开始,并以顺时针顺序进行。并且每位玩家游戏开始时,面前会有一张正面朝上牌,表示第一只鸟收藏(收集到的鸟显示在玩家面板上)。 A game plays in several rounds. At the beginning of each round, each player starts with 8 cards in their hand and there are 4 rows with three cards faceup at the center of the table. The game starts with the dealer and go clockwise. Also, each player starts with a bird card, faceup, in front of them, which represents the first Bird in their collection.
在每个回合,玩家必须从手上放置一张或更多张鸟。该玩家手上所有同一种类的鸟都必须一起打出来。 接著把这些鸟都放到桌上其中一列的左边或右边。当所放这一列已有这种鸟,该玩家必须将所有被这种鸟包围的其他鸟全部拿到手上。之后从抽牌堆补新的鸟到这列,直到这列有两种不同的鸟。 - On their turn, a player must lay one or more birds from their hand. All the birds of the chosen specie that player have in their hand must be played.
The player lays these birds (next to each other) on the left or the right side of one of the 4 rows at the center of the table. When a player places a bird in a row that already has one or more Birds of that species, the player must take all the cards between these birds into their hand. After taking the surrounded cards, remaining birds are put together and new cards are added (placed on the left or the right) from the draw pile to this row until there are two different species in it.
如果没有鸟被包围,玩家可以选择是否要抽两张牌。 If no cards were surrounded by birds of the same species, the player can’t take cards from the center of the table but they have the option to take two first cards from the draw pile to add them to their hand.
小型鸟群,该玩家从展示的牌中放 1 张到收藏。
大型鸟群,该玩家从展示的牌中放 2 张到收藏。
如果一名玩家完成目标,或无法再发给每位玩家 8 张牌(即时将弃牌堆洗回去),游戏立即结束。在后面一种情况,收集最多鸟的玩家获胜。