This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


来自Board Game Arena
Whotimwait讨论 | 贡献2020年9月9日 (三) 17:57的版本
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聚落(Group):a group is an entire group of connected stones on the board of the same color. A single stone (unconnected to others of the same color) is also a group.

过度成长(Overgrown):a group is overgrown when it has more than 5 stones in it.

Smothered: a group is smothered when there are no empty spaces adjacent to any of its stones.


  1. Each player owns 2 stone colors. To start, Player 1 places one stone of either of her colors on any empty space.
  2. From then on, starting with Player 2, the players take turns. On your turn, you must place 1 or 2 stones, in any combination of your colors, on any empty spaces.
  3. After you place your stone(s), capture all smothered enemy groups, and then capture all overgrown enemy groups.
  4. The first player to have captured X enemy stones wins.