This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


出自Board Game Arena
於 2012年7月1日 (日) 07:38 由 Ewen留言 | 貢獻 所做的修訂 →‎放置部落的人在遊戲版圖上
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  • 在遊戲中獲得房屋的分數。
  • 遊戲結束時由文明卡獲得分數。


每回合被分為三個階段,並由以下的順序執行: 1. 玩家放置部落的人在遊戲版圖上。 2. 玩家使用被放置的人執行動作。 3. 玩家餵養部落的人。




  • 以下地點每回合各只能放置1個部落的人: 森林、泥地、採石場、河流。
  • 以下3個地點每回合至多2個地方能被放置: 工具屋、愛的小屋及農田。

Special rules with 3 players:

  • maximum of 2 players in each of the following: forest, clay pit, quarry, and river.
  • only 2 of the 3 places: tool maker, hut, and field may be filled in each round.

Use the actions of your placed people

Each player uses all his placed people in any order, and realize the corresponding actions:

  • hunting grounds, forest, clay pit, quarry, and river: roll 1 dice per people and take corresponding resources (1 food for each full 2 on hunting grounds, 1 wood for each full 3 on forest, 1 brick for each full 4 on clay pit, 1 stone for each full 5 on quarry, 1 gold for each full 6 on river).
  • field: increase agriculture level.
  • tool: get one tool.
  • hut: get one additional people.
  • building: buy the building with resources and score points.
  • civilization card: buy the card with a number of resources depending on its position (1 to 4 resources).


hunting grounds, forest, clay pit, quarry, and river: Roll 1 dice per people and take corresponding resources:

  • 1 food for each full 2 on hunting grounds,
  • 1 wood for each full 3 on forest,
  • 1 brick for each full 4 on clay pit,
  • 1 stone for each full 5 on quarry,
  • 1 gold for each full 6 on river.

You can use tool to increase the dice result and take more resources.


Pay the building cost to get the building and receive points.

If the building cost is not specified, you win points for each of the resources used, depending on their values (3 for wood, 4 for brick, ...).

Civilization card details

Each card brings an immediate advantage (item on the top of the card) and some points during final scoring( item on the bottom of the card). Place the mouse cursor on each card to see details.

Feed your people

Each agriculture level automatically give you 1 food.

You must use 1 food per person.

You can use any resource to feed your people if there is not enough food.

If you don't manage to feed your people, you lose 10 points as a penalty.

Game end

The game ends when:

  • there are no more civilization cards at the beginning of a round
  • one building stack is empty at the end of a round

During the final scoring round, players win points using their civilization cards.