This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


出自Board Game Arena
於 2021年7月6日 (二) 17:18 由 Whotimwait對話 | 貢獻 所做的修訂
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Pingimus(拉丁文的"我們畫畫")是一款 3(建議 5) 到 12 人一同遊玩的派對遊戲。


 (a) 畫出給定的主題 
 (b) 觀看其他人的作品,並猜測其主題 
 (c) 從所有猜測中投票,嘗試找出最符合給定主題的答案。

計分方式:自己的猜測在 (c) 被其他人投票可以得分,如果原始的主題被投票,則是作畫者可以得分。

Each round, everyone is given told to draw a particular thing (a "task"), and has one minute to do so.

After that, all players see one player's drawing and privately guesses what they think that player's task was.

Players' guesses are then mixed in with the original task, and players vote on which they think is the original task, for each picture.

Score 1 point for everyone who chose your guess, and for everyone who chose the original task on your drawing.

The game continues until (some point not specified in the original rules).