This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !

Getting started

出自Board Game Arena
於 2012年1月23日 (一) 09:42 由 Sourisdudesert對話 | 貢獻 所做的修訂 (Created page with "With '''Board Game Arena''' you can play within a few clicks. By choosing "[!lobby Play now]" on the left menu, you get a list of game tables wa...")
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With Board Game Arena you can play within a few clicks.

By choosing "Play now" on the left menu, you get a list of game tables waiting for players.

You can join a game by clicking on "View table" then "Join game".

If you prefer, you can create a new game table: click on the "Launch table" button that corresponds to the game you want to play, and wait for your opponents.

Important to know before you start:

  • It's much better to join a table already created than to create a new one.
  • For most popular games you will find opponents at any time. For the others, try to connect around peak hour (around 22h CEST) to maximize your chances.
  • When you start a game you can't leave the table until it ends. If you leave you will receive a penalty which cause you difficulties to find opponents later.