This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !

Tips sechsnimmt

出自Board Game Arena
於 2023年12月20日 (三) 12:35 由 Whotimwait對話 | 貢獻 所做的修訂
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Get rid of very low and very high cards first.

If the lowest of the last cards in a row is high, pick a card below it but as high as possible.

Always consider the possibility that someone picks a card that is lower than the lowest of the last cards. What row will they pick?

If you get 3 or more of the cards in the 100s and high 90s, don't play the highest first. If you are lucky enough you might be able to "lock" one row for yourself; use it when you need to escape a tough choice.

If you must take rows, try to do so when it's cheap.

Whenever you're considering which card to play, remember that it might be better to go for a known loss, than for an unknown one (i.e.: if you either risk to take 2 points, or to take whatever sum will come on that line - go for the what you know already).