This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !
Cards 卡片
In a standard game of Hanabi, there are 5 colors of cards of value 1 to 5. In each suit there are 在標準的花火遊戲中,有五種顏色數字分別是1~5的卡片,如下列表 -three 1s 3張數字1 -two 2s 2張數字2 -two 3s 2張數字3 -two 4s 2張數字4 -one 5 1張數字5 About "cheating" 關於作弊 In the "real life Hanabi", you can talk. That's why we chose to let the chat open for the online version. 在現實的花火中是可以互相交談的,這是為什麼我們在線上版本開放聊天。 As a consequence, it is very easy to cheat at Hanabi. However, as you can imagine, cheating is very stupid and has no interest... except for ELO boosting. This is why there is no international ranking for this game (ie: best player, second best player) and no trophies associated to it. 而造成的結果就是非常容易在線上花火作弊。然而你可以想像,作弊是非常愚蠢而且無聊,除了能讓你提升Elo值以外(譯者吐:這種ELO也沒用吧!),這是為什麼這遊戲不會有最佳玩家排名這類的東西。
ELO rating ELO積分值(請參考國際象棋或是早期LOL 這是種系統來去計算每個人的程度差別 1500是BGA設定的起始值 1600可以算是一個優秀玩家 1800專家 2000完全就是大師級) (以下簡稱ELO)
If you are playing with ELO rating on, your ELO may be changed at the end of the game. 如果你玩開起ELO評價,你的ELO會在遊戲後改變 Here is how it works: 這裏是這個系統的運作方式 1) Every player on the team is temporarily considered as having the average ELO rating of the team. 暫時將所有成員的ELO評級視為他們的平均 2) The system will generate a bot associated with the score your team has achieved (let’s call it Hanabot). Hanabot’s ELO rating depends on the variant you are playing (50 cards, 60 cards, 60 cards multicolor), the number of players on the team and, most importantly, your team's score. All Hanabot’s ELO ratings have been set by an experienced player, they are not random or simply proportional to the score/number of players. 而系統將會對應你們的隊伍生成一個姑且稱之為花火機械人(hanabot)的東西作為假想對手,這個對手的elo值將根據你們用的變體改變(基本、第六色、彩紅牌、單張彩紅牌(這個模式將不會列入評價))。 (其他部分譯者看不懂,主要是這邊牽扯和數學以及他們的處理,反正他後面只是簡單的說保證生成的是一個經驗豐富的對手,不容易有elo太大的浮動值。) 3) Your team (actually your team's average ELO) will now compete against Hanabot. The system will calculate your team’s ELO gain/loss as though your team had tied with Hanabot. If your score is below 18 (50-card game) or below 21 (60-card game), Hanabot's ELO is always 1000. 你們隊伍(實際上是隊伍平均ELO)現在會對抗這個花火機械人,另外如果你們在基本中低於18分,或第六色模式中低於21分 花火機械人的ELO將變成1000
FYI, you can find all bots' ELO ratings here:
The 55-card variant (50 cards + 1 of each value in the sixth color) cannot be played with ELO rating on. This is because this variant is highly dependent on draw and a team’s score may not always reflect the players』 skills. 55張卡片變體(基本50張卡+數字各1的第六色)不會被評價,因為這個變體相當依賴抽牌運氣,隊伍的分數難以呈現玩家的技巧。
A loss (3 Strike tokens) is the same as a score of 0.
If you achieve the perfect score and this should cost you ELO points, you will be considered as having beaten the bot associated with the score, so that you lose no ELO points.
歡迎潤色補充 個人只是先過過乾癮 並且期望有更多人能玩這個遊戲 這邊就不留下姓名了