This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !
- 高级模式(The High Form): 玩家借由完成任务以及在场上的传奇棋子来获得分数。
- 死斗模式(Deathmatch Duel): 没有任务。玩家由摧毁对手棋子、召唤传奇生物以及对手发动魔法,来获得分数。
每位玩家抽六张牌:三张从他个人牌库抽出的生物、 二张传奇、和一张魔法。
In High Form, 3 tasks are revealed that may be claimed, along with a fourth "next task".
In Deathmatch, the player who plays second puts one common piece of each color on the game board, on marked squares.
每一回合,你会有 2 个行动。例外:起始玩家的第一个回合只有一个行动。
- 放置 1 个普通棋子 在任意空格上。如果你没有棋子剩余能放置,那么你你开始行动时从场上拿取一个你的普通或英雄棋子,然后把它当作普通棋子来放置。
- 召唤生物。 (详见后述。)
- 弃掉 1 个生物牌 --从你个人牌组牌组抽出的牌。如果你这么做,你也可以把一张或数张其他牌分别放回他们所属的牌库底部。
If you draw the last card in your deck, you may end up with fewer than 3.
死斗模式:在回合结束时,计算摧毁敌方棋子所获得的分数:一个传奇 2分,一个英雄 1分,每两个小兵 1分。摧毁自己的棋子没有分数。每当你召唤传奇也能得一分(把一个英雄升级成传奇并不算“召唤”传奇)。
- 打出卡片并且选择一个区域是由你的棋子构成卡片上指定的阵形。那个阵形能被旋转(90度、180度、270度) 。其镜像、翻转也算符合。 构成阵形的可以是图案上所描绘的棋子或者等级更高的。空的格子对阵形来说是不重要的。
- 将一个对应等级的棋子(等级标示于卡片左上角)放在卡片上阵形白框的对应位置。
- 一旦新的棋子完成放置, 执行在卡上的效果。
- 执行完效果之后,弃掉那张卡。
You can invoke a flare on your turn before or after any action. To invoke a flare, you must meet at least one of the criteria:
- You meet the upper criterion if your opponent has that many more upgraded pieces (heroic and legendary) on the board than you.
- You meet the lower criterion if your opponent has that many more pieces (total) on the board than you.
If you meet the upper criterion, you resolve the upper effect. If you meet the lower criterion, you resolve the lower effect. If you meet both, you resolve the upper effect first, then the lower. Once the card has been resolved, discard it.
No other action can be taken and no flare can be invoked until the entire effect of the card is resolved. Some parts of an effect may be optional:
- May indicates that a certain part of an effect is optional.
- Up to always includes 0.
Any parts that are not specified as optional are mandatory. If an effect cannot be performed fully, do the parts that can be done. When a card uses its own name, it is referring to the piece on the board that represents the summoned being.
- Upgraded piece: a heroic or legendary piece.
- Non-legendary piece: a common or heroic piece.
- Piece: If a piece is not specified as belonging to you or an opponent, then the effect includes any player's piece.
- Marked space: a colored space in the pattern. If the text does not refer to marked spaces, the colored spaces in the pattern are just illustrational.
- Adjacent square: one of eight squares sharing an edge (orthogonally adjacent) or a corner (diagonally adjacent) with a given square. If the given square is not specified, assume it is the square currently occupied by the newly summoned piece.
- Distance: the shortest number of moves required to get from one square to another. For example, adjacent squares are at distance 1.
- Move: A move is always onto an adjacent square. A move onto an occupied square destroys the piece that was there.
- Standard move: This type of move can be only onto an empty square or a square occupied by a piece of lower rank.
- Combat move: This type of move can be only onto an empty square or a square occupied by a piece of equal or lower rank.
- Standard leap and combat leap: A leap is the same as a move, except the square doesn’t have to be adjacent. If not specified, a leap can be onto any square on the board.
- Place: Like the “place” action. However, if there is no piece of the specified color and rank available, the piece cannot be placed.
- Upgrade: Legendary pieces cannot be upgraded. To upgrade a common piece, flip it over. To upgrade a heroic piece, remove it and replace it with a legendary piece. If none is available, the heroic piece cannot be upgraded.
- Downgrade: Common pieces cannot be downgraded. To downgrade a heroic piece, flip it over. To downgrade a legendary piece, replace it with a heroic piece. If none is available, the legendary piece cannot be downgraded.
- Destroy: To destroy a piece, remove it from the board.
- Convert: To convert an enemy piece, replace it with one of your pieces of the same rank (unless a different rank is specified).
When keeping track of how many enemy pieces you destroyed, count pieces you destroyed during summoning, pieces you destroyed with moves and leaps, pieces you destroyed with a “destroy” effect, and pieces you converted. Neither upgrading nor downgrading ever counts as destroying a piece.
The end of the game is triggered when a player draws the last card from his or her deck.
In High Form, the end of the game is also triggered if a player has 9 or more points at the end of any player’s turn. Count the points for tasks claimed (by the player or by the team) plus 1 point for each legendary piece of that player’s color currently on the board. (It doesn’t matter how the piece became legendary.)
In Deathmatch, the end of the game is also triggered if a player reaches or surpasses 18 points.
Once the turn that triggers the end is done, play continues so that each player gets one more turn, including the player whose turn triggered the end. Then the game ends. The player with more points wins. If there is a tie, the tiebreakers are, in this order: number of upgraded pieces on the board and then total number of pieces on the board. If there is still a tie, it remains unbroken.
These rules are extracted from CGE's full rules for Tash-Kalar.