This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


来自Board Game Arena
Oktryit讨论 | 贡献2012年3月16日 (五) 05:23的版本 →‎遊戲結束
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龙之心 (Dragonheart) 是一款 2 人游戏,目标是尽可能地将卡片打出场上并回收已经在场的卡片以借此得到分数。总共有 9 种不同类型的卡片,每一种在放置后如何被回收至手上都有各自的规定。




在游戏的一开始,每一个人从牌库中发 5 张牌,并将龙之心标记物放在版图上。


游戏在 9 艘船都被打到场上时结束,或者是某一位玩家的牌库已耗尽时结束。这时候,每一个玩家各自把吃到的卡片分数加总起来,拥有龙之心的玩家额外再加 3 分。最后分数最多的人,就赢得比赛。[注]: 得分平手时,拥有龙之心的玩家赢得比赛。


Players alternate turns, putting down and picking up cards. A player may choose to put down as many cards of the same type as he or she wants to. The cards get placed on their corresponding picture on the game board. Depending on what was placed, a player may take cards from the board to put in their pile, or move cards to the bottom of the board, below the ship.


There are five types of cards in the game. Cards have a point value to them listed as a number in the corner, that is unrelated to what type of card it it. Arrows on the board indicate what cards can take what.

  • Dwarf: The player who places the fourth dwarf on the board, takes all four of the dwarf cards. No other card allows a player to take a dwarf.
  • Huntress: The player who places the third huntress card, takes all fire dragon cards from the board. At that point, the three huntress cards are moved to the bottom of the board.
  • Fire Dragon: Each time a fire dragon is placed, the player takes all of the treasure chest cards.
  • Treasure Chest: Placing this card has no action, but it can be taken by a fire dragon or sorceress.
  • Troll: Placing this card allows the player to take the sorceress pile.
  • Knight: The player who places the second knight card, may choose to take either the sorceress or troll pile. Afterwards, the two knight cards are placed at the bottom of the board.
  • Petrified Dragon: Placing this card has no effect, but when it is taken by a sorceress, the Great Dragon piece is taken too, either from the board or from the opponent.
  • Sorceress: Placing a sorceress allows the player to take either the petrified dragon pile, or the treasure pile. Taking the petrified dragon cards (if there are any on the board) gives the player possession of the Great Dragon.
  • Ship: The third ship card placed, allows the player to take all the knight and huntress cards placed at the bottom of the deck. The ship cards are then discarded. The third time that three ship cards were played ends the game.
  • Great Dragon: The great dragon piece goes to the last player to take a petrified dragon stack. Possession of the Great Dragon gives the player an extra card, plus two extra points at the end of the game. If the dragon is taken from an opponent, then the player gets a random card from the opponents hand.